Contrasting evolutionary patterns of multiple loci uncover new aspects in the genome origin and evolutionary history of Leymus (Triticeae; Poaceae)

时间:2017-06-16 点击数:作者:

  • Li-Na Shaa, b, 1,
  • Xing Fana, 1,
  • Jun Lic,
  • Jin-Qiu Liaod,
  • Jian Zenge,
  • Yi Wanga,
  • Hou-Yang Kanga,
  • Hai-Qin Zhanga,
  • You-Liang Zhenga, b,
  • Yong-Hong Zhoua, b,


  • Abstract

    Leymus Hochst. (Triticeae: Poaceae), a group of allopolyploid species with the NsXm genomes, is a perennial genus with diversity in morphology, cytology, ecology, and distribution in the Triticeae. To investigate the genome origin and evolutionary history ofLeymus, three unlinked low-copy nuclear genes (Acc1, Pgk1, and GBSSI) and three chloroplast regions (trnL-F, matK, and rbcL) of 32 Leymus species were analyzed with those of 36 diploid species representing 18 basic genomes in the Triticeae. The phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed using Bayesian inference, Maximum parsimony, and NeighborNet methods. A time-calibrated phylogeny was generated to estimate the evolutionary history of Leymus. The results suggest that reticulate evolution has occurred in Leymus species, with several distinct progenitors contributing to the Leymus. The molecular data in resolution of the Xm-genome lineage resulted in two apparently contradictory results, with one placing the Xm-genome lineage as closely related to the P/F genome and the other splitting the Xm-genome lineage as sister to the Ns-genome donor. Our results suggested that (1) the Ns genome of Leymus was donated by Psathyrostachys, and additional Ns-containing alleles may be introgressed into some Leymus polyploids by recurrent hybridization; (2) The phylogenetic incongruence regarding the resolution of the Xm-genome lineage suggested that the Xm genome of Leymus was closely related to the P genome of Agropyron; (3) Both Ns- and Xm-genome lineages served as the maternal donor during the speciation of Leymus species; (4) The Pseudoroegneria, Lophopyrum andAustralopyrum genomes contributed to some Leymus species.